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Accounting and Bookkeeping in Peach ​

NEW: You can now get paid as salary in Peach which means you don't need any accounting at all.

We started Peach with one main idea: to make it easy to be and become a creator. A key part of this is accounting. To simplify it, Peach has chosen to act as a reseller. This means that when you sell something through Peach, we are the ones selling the product or service on your behalf.

So, when you make a sale or a refund, Peach handles the bookkeeping for you. After each period, you receive a payout for your sales, and you only need to record that transaction.

Example with 10% commission to Peach:

  1. You sell a drop-in yoga class for 100 SEK.
  2. Peach sells the yoga class for 100 SEK to the customer.
  3. Peach receives 100 SEK and records that 90 SEK will be paid out to you.
  4. Peach keeps 10 SEK and pays VAT on that amount, while you pay VAT on your 90 SEK.

This means you don’t need to record every individual sale, and your actual income is not 100 SEK but 90 SEK.

If you or your accountant still have questions, feel free to contact us, and we can explain further.